

Nisarg Agro Products :- 

Ghee is made from from our Desi Gir Cows ( A-2 Milk) only by adopting Bilona Churned Method. The Milk is removed by hand then get it boiled in wood fire then inoculated with curds to make whole curds, the curds is then churned to get butter. After melting the butter at minimum temperature on wood fire we prepare best quality Desi Gir Cow Ghee. 

We takes proper care of your health hence we provide this Ghee 100% Free from additives, preservatives & Colours.  Ghee has got tested in Govt. approved Labourites.   

Why (A2) Gir Cow Bilona Method Ghee

Desi Gir Cow Gheeprepared prepared by Bilona Method  contains more Omega-3 & other nutrients like Vitamins, Minerals, Protein, Iron & Calcium hence it is considered the purest of all foods.

The high level of Omega-3 fatty acids present in this Ghee is said to be beneficial for cardiovascular health.  The Desi Gir Cow Ghee rich in A2 protein helps build up HDLs or High-Density Lipoproteins that combat Cholesterol levels by extracting them out of the bloodstream. 

The major health benefits of the Ghee prepared by Bilona method from (A2) Desi Gir Cows.

Desi Gir Cow Ghee enhances our immunity

Desi Gir Cow Ghee is also beneficial for healthy growth in Children.

Deso Gir Cow Ghee helps at slowing down the aging process & thus makes your voice soft & clear.

Desi Gir Cow Ghee incorporates Vitamin A2, Vitamin E & D with Omega 3 properties which are highly important & beneficial for a healthy lifestyle.

The presence of A2 Vitamin in Gir Cow Ghee helps in treating broken bones.

This Gir Cow Ghee is beneficial in treating insomnia.  It is also the best product for joint massage & most importantly it is beneficial for those who are prone to obesity.

Gir Cow Ghee is helpful in decreasing bad cholesterol in the body & facilitates excellent circulation.

This Gir Cow Ghee incorporates healthy fat-soluble vitamins that facilitate the absorption of nutrients in food that are most vital for health.

Gir Cow Ghee is also included in medical practice to help with ulcers, constipation & promotes healthy Eyes & happy Skin. It is used t treat & cure burns & blisters.  It proves to increase memory & balances the mind & enhances brain function.

Desi Gir Cow Ghee contains conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLA) which proves to be helpful for weight loss, especially belly fat. It also beneficial for slowing down the progress of cancer in the body & prevents heart diseases. 

Desi Gir Cow Ghee has been given a title of “Rasayana” in Ayurveda preeminent herbs & food that works wonder for the overall health & promotes longevity & well being.

Desi Gir Cow Ghee is highly beneficial & recommended for people having problems such as Piles, Fisher & Fistula.

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