nisarg honey



The Honey providing by Nisarg Agro Products is collected by passionate BeeKeepers who employ holistic and environmentally conscious methods while treating the bees as a part of their family.

 We prefer Acacia Honey collected in Kashmir through Acacia trees which is a Monofloral (Single Origin) Honey, and the bees have a vast expanse of jungle dense with Acacia trees.

Vitamins found in Honey includes ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid, niacin & riboflavin, along with minerals such as calcium, copper, iron magnesium, manganese, phosphorus potassium & Zink. Inflammation can lead to a variety of Health issues, including heart disease, cancer & autoimmune disorders, antioxidants detectable in blood plasma, Honey could enhance antioxidant activity in the body.

Health benefits of Honey
Reduce the weight 

Honey burns body fat even while when you are sleeping.  It is one of the best food for losing weight. Doctors recommended to have a spoonful of honey before to sleep.  You can also consume a little honey with warm water on empty stomach early in the morning. It helps increase the metabolism, which in turn helps reduce weight faster. 

Boost Immune System

Honey has countless medicinal properties that naturally help in curing a sore throat.  Its antioxidants & bacteria-fighting assets also help against fighting infections that are caused by viruses, bacteria & fungi.  According to Doctors & Scientists, buckwheat honey has highest number of antioxidants & when consumed daily can be beneficial for boosting immunity in the long run & this is why honey has known to be one of the best immunity boosting food. If honey is consumed every day in the morning before breakfast  to get an extra kick of energy for the whole day.  It also works as a cleansing toner which improves immunity in children’s.

Useful to keep good Skin & Face

Using Honey for skin is very useful because of its moisturizing & nourishing properties. Honey is the best natural moisturizer, especially for dry skin & it is also very easy to apply. It also helps curing cracked lips during winters.  Honey is considered as antiseptic, it is useful for treatment of wounds, bruises, Cuts, Burns & other infections.  

Boosting the Memory

Honey, the eternal sweetener has numerous health benefits, one of which includes boosting memory & concentration.  Honey not only increases brain power & memory but also makes you a healthier person altogether. Consumption of honey prevents metabolic stress & helps calm & soothe the brain, which helps in augmenting memory in the long run.  The natural antioxidants & therapeutic properties in honey help in boosting brain.

Prevent from Cough 

Honey is known to be one of the best remedies for dry cough as well as wet cough. Research has also shown, drinking a tablespoon of honey can reduce irritation in the throat.  Honey is the preferred natural remedy for cough, especially for kids, as it helps to relieve nocturnal cough, allowing proper sleep.

Prevent from Dandruff

Honey is one of the best natural home remedies for dandruff.  It not only provides nourishment to dry hair but it also gives smooth & soft hair.  You can also use honey & lavender with green tea to prevent hair fall.  Mix 2 tablespoons honey with equal vegetable oil & apply on hair keep for 15 minutes then clean the hair.

Healing Wounds  

Honey has antibacterial, antifungal & antioxidant properties, therefore honey is used for healing wounds.  After any skin injury, bacteria that live on your skin can infect & penetrate the wound site, honey destroy these bacteria.  

Which time is good for eating Honey.

Usually Honey to be taken empty stomach early in the morning as it gives an instant kick & energy boost which is enough to counter an entire day.  Also while going to bed ,  spoonful of honey not only gives a good night’s sleep but also helps in digestion & relaxation of mind and body.

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